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Sleeping Queens - Gamewright

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  • $22.95

The Pancake Queen, the Ladybug Queen and ten of their closest friends have fallen under a sleeping spell and it's your job to wake them up. Use strategy, quick thinking and a little luck to rouse these napping nobles from their royal slumbers. Play a knight to steal a queen or take a chance on a juggling jester. But watch out for wicked potions and dastardly dragons! The player who wakes the most queens wins.

Sleeping Queens was invented by 6-year-old Miranda Evarts, who thought up the game one night when she couldn't fall asleep. She awoke the next morning and with help from her older sister and her parents created this wonderfully whimsical world of napping nobles. As you immerse yourself in the Evarts's fantasyland, you will find a game that helps develop memory, strategy, and elementary arithmetic skills. Just be careful when playing potion cards or you could wind up putting all the players to sleep!

A game for 2 to 5 players;
Playing time: 20 minutes

Recommended for ages 8 years + (but my 6 year old plays it)

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